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Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter­­/­­Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsinformatik mit Schwerpunkt Internet- und Telekommunikationswirtschaft - englische Fassung



The opportunity to pursue doctoral study at a renowned German university and as part of a particularly strong research team with internationally recognised research activities at the highest scholarly level (see www.ibusiness.uni-passau.de/en).


* You are a highly motivated graduate with an excellent master`s degree in economics, information systems, industrial engineering, management or a related field of study. Preliminary part-time employment up to 0.5 full-time equivalent in line with pay grade E12 TV-L may be arranged temporarily for candidates who have not yet completed their master's thesis. Please contact us for details. * Very good analytical skills and a keen interest in the economics of the digital economy, digital markets, digital platforms, metaverse or related topics in the chair's field of research. The doctoral thesis topic can be chosen based on your personal interests. * Ability to work in an international team, open-mindedness, and the motivation to work on a research project independently and diligently. * Excellent spoken and written English language skills. Knowledge of German is not a requirement. The working language at the chair is English.